From the top of any page, simply enter in the name of an ingredient and select the category from the “product type” menu. Our search engine will do its best to find the correct ingredient regardless of which of its common names you entered, and give you a list of products with that ingredient in them. It really is that simple!
Our cosmetic formula analysis tool lets you explore the ingredients for a specific product. Simply copy the list of ingredients (separated by commas) from your favorite product’s web page, and paste it into our analyzer. With the results, you can see what each ingredient does and decide if that’s what you wanted.
If you are interested in the general purpose of a product and don’t have specific ingredients in mind, no problem! Select one of our categories for a look at the ingredient reports of popular products in that category. You can see what each ingredient does and choose products that have the ingredients you like most.
We’ve done a lot of the heavy lifting for you when it comes to cosmetic product research. We have a substantial database of cosmetics, each of which is evaluated based on the potential benefits and risks of the ingredients in the product. You’ll be surprised to see not only how many formulas have the same patterns, but how the formulas match up against one another.
Choose a photo of the ingredients from your PC or mobile device
Paste a list of ingredients separated by commas